Budding Conversations Course and 1:1 Support.
Online, self paced course to increase your skills and confidence to develop your child's communication.
Flexible 1:1 online support sessions to provide individualised advice and guidance.
As a mum I understand that feeling helpless when it comes to our children is the most terrible feeling. Unfortunately demand for speech therapy services is high and waiting lists are long. If you are concerned about your child's language or social communication and are keen to know how to best support them during this vital stage of their development then 'Budding Conversations' is for you. This self paced, online course can be accessed from your own home. With 6 sections covering 16 key evidence based strategies for developing children's communication skills you will be guided through how to use these in every day routines so you can start making a difference every single day.
You can feel more confident knowing you are doing all the right things to help your child at this time without adding to your 'to-do' list.
Who is Budding conversations for?
Parents and carers of children at the early stages of language development.
Children with language delay and those with social communication difficulties and Autism.
Children who are yet to say those first words, through to those who are learning to build those early sentences.
Busy families who want support that fits around your life and therapy which can be built into your every day routines.
Families who want flexibility, the course can be accessed any time and 1:1 coaching sessions can be booked as and when you want them so you can have as much or as little support as you feel you need.
Families who are waiting for more support but are keen to get started
Is there anyone this course isn't so helpful for?
If you are only concerned regarding the clarity of your child's speech or if your child has a stammer, this isn't the course for you.
If your child is able to tell you a story, answer a wide range of questions and hold a back and forth conversation then they are probably already working beyond the scope of this course.

Tell me more about the course and 1:1 support: what will I get?
For just £100 you can access 6 video modules, covering key, evidence based strategies, used by speech and language therapists to develop early communication.
For £200 I can offer an initial face to face assessment to help you identify your child language stage and the most appropriate strategies followed by access to the course.
Help to identify what language stage your child is currently in, help to select realistic achievable next steps and learn the strategies to help them get there.
Handouts clearly explaining each strategy.
An action plan for each module to help you pick what you want your child will achieve and what you are going to do to help them get there.
Exclusive access to 1:1 individual online coaching therapy sessions costing £50 a session.
Here we can explore the strategies in more detail, discuss your child's individual needs, share videos of other parents using the strategies and ensure you have the tools to really feel empowered to help your child.

Will it really make a difference, doesn't my child need direct speech therapy?
It is true that some children absolutely require direct speech therapy, often those with speech sound difficulties. However, there is a large body of evidence which shows the huge impact parents can have in developing their children's communication skills when they are properly supported to use the strategies and feel empowered to do so.
In my 1:1 therapy for children with language or communication difficulties therapy will typically begin with me training the parents to use these very strategies at home.
I know it's not the time with me which makes the difference but the time at home, with loved ones, between the sessions.
For many children this early support may be enough. If your child goes on to require further, direct support you can get a head start with therapy by already knowing these foundation skills which will enable you to quickly implement any future support your child might need.