At Budding Communicators I am proud to be able to offer two of Hanen's parent courses. 'More than words,' for parents of children with social communication difficulties and 'It Takes Two to Talk' for parents of children with language delays. These courses are run in small groups with other parents whose children have similar communication needs. Each family attending the course is allocated two places to enable both parents , a grandparent or friend to attend. The groups not only provide a supportive environment for parents they also enable us to provide you with around 20 hours of therapy and advice at a significantly reduced hourly rate when compared to 1:1 therapy.
To find out more about the courses please read on or check out Hanen's website: http://www.hanen.org/Programs.aspx or contact us.
The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Difficulties
As a parent, you know how challenging it can be for your child with Autism Spectrum Condition or other social communication difficulties to interact meaningfully with others and connect with the world around him.
The More Than Words Program is designed specifically for parents of children ages 5 and under with social communication difficulties. The program provides parents with the tools and strategies they need to help their children reach their full communication potential.
More Than Words does this by empowering you to help your child reach the following three goals:
Improved social communication and back-and-forth interactions
Improved play skills
Improved imitation skills
Here are some of the valuable things you’ll learn when you attend the More Than Words Program:
What motivates your child to communicate
How to set appropriate and realistic communication goals
How to make interactions with your child last longer
Tips for using pictures and print to help your child’s understanding
Strategies for how to talk so that your child understands you
Strategies for developing your child’s play skills
Ways to help your child make friends
Program Components
The More Than Words parent program includes:
8 training sessions in small, personalized groups
A Hanen Certified Speech and Language Therapist leading the program
A pre-program consultation for you and your child with your Speech and Language Therapist.
Three individual visits for you and your child with your Speech and Language Therapist in which you are videotaped while practicing with your child. Then you and your Speech and Language Therapist watch the videotaped interaction to “see” what’s helping and what you can modify to help even more
The Hanen Program® for Parents of Children with Language Delays
The It Takes Two to Talk Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalized group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together.
The It Takes Two to Talk Program teaches you, step-by-step, how to become your child’s most important language teacher. The program shows you how to:
Recognize your child’s stage and style of communication so that you know which steps to take next
Identify what motivates your child to interact with you so you’ll know how to get conversations started
Adjust everyday routines to help your child take turns and keep interactions going
Follow your child’s lead to build his confidence and encourage him to communicate
Add language to interactions with your child to help him understand language and then use it when he is ready
Tweak the way you play and read books with your child to help him learn language
Change the way you speak to your child so that he’ll understand and learn new words
Program components
6-8 training sessions for parents in small, personalized groups
A Hanen Certified Speech and Language Therapist leading the program
A pre-program consultation for you and your child with the Speech and Language Therapist
Three individual visits for you and your child with the Speech and Language Therapist in which you are videotaped while practicing strategies to help your child achieve specific communication goals. You and the Speech and Language Therapist then watch the videotaped interaction to “see” what’s helping your child and what you can modify to help even more.
To learn more about the Hanen courses available including the evidence base behind them and to access some fantastic free resources go to the Hanen website : http://www.hanen.org/Home.aspx