I am able to provide a comprehensive range of published and tailor made training for nurseries and schools. IÂ can also provide relaxed informal information sessions for parents on a range of speech, language and communication topics.
I can provide the following training:
Hanen's Learning Language and Loving it. This course is for practitioners working with children in the foundation stage. With 20 hours of specialist training this evidence based course develops practitioners skills in supporting children at an enrichment, targeted and specialist level through every day natural interactions. This course has been funded by Bristol CYPS for the past 6 years and has positively impacted on staff practice and outcomes of children living in Bristol but has not been available in south Gloucestershire.
Talk Boost KS1. This one day training gives school staff the skills and confidence to run ICAN's evidenced based Talkboost programme which has been found to reduce the language gap so many children are entering schools with. This course is currently available through the NHS for free, to find out more speak with your school's NHS link SLT.
I can develop training to suit the needs of your children and the staff supporting them. Covering any aspect of speech, language and communication I can train staff either as part of a one off staff meeting, inset training days or provide ongoing in house support to develop the skills of your staff and improve outcomes for all the children in your care. Why not give me a call to discuss your training needs and how I can help.